Hales Passage Scandinavian Lutheran Cemetery Association
Annual Meeting Minutes - May 16, 2015
Sears Farm across from Cemetery

I Call to Order
35 people were present for the potluck lunch and meeting. Many more were in involved with the cemetery clean up, but had afternoon obligations.

II Read and Approval of Minutes to previous Membership and Board Meetings
Minutes were read and approved without correction.

III Treasurer's Report & Plots Sales
Expenses - $1327.04
Donations - $620.00
Sale of 3 Plots $1200.00
Interment Fees (5) $250.00
Checking Balance $7525.39
CD Balance $13252.39 (includes interest of $11.30)

IV Acknowledging those who passed away during the year
Ida May Rudsit 178 A
22 May 1918, Seko, Montana 25 May 2014, Gig Harbor, WA
Barbara Odgen Pearson 129 B
31 January 1934, Tacoma, WA 4 July 2014, Gig Harbor, WA
Lisa Ann Berntsen 702 - cr
6 Sept 1965, Tacoma, WA 29 Oct 2014, Sherpani Pass, Nepal

V Old Business

Website Evaluation - The website is off to a great start with over almost 765 visitors in one year. Several of these were inquiries as to relatives who may have been buried at the cemetery. One inquiry came from British Colombia, BC. So indeed we have expanded our horizons. We have had several comments on how professional and informative the site is!

Suggestions: from the Board
1. Have a ¡§Donate¡¨ link with Paypal on the home page - Webmaster said that this would not be effective for our needs.
2. Put the date /time of the Work Party on the home page or a visible link to the newsletter - done
3. Explore the possibility of having an email registry created through the website for future correspondence - Webmaster said that email addresses are able to be seen with a portal within the site.
Fence and other Repairs. A portion of the north fence line was repaired by Viking Fence Company.
Thanks to Ben Pearson for repairing 2 faucets that had leaks
Laurie will continue to send the newsletter both via email and snail mail
All Cemetery Documents are archived and secure with the Harbor History Museum. They can be accessed by anyone wishing to do so by making an appointment with someone at the front desk.

VI New Business
Election of Officers President -Vice President - Secretary - Treasurer
After no one wished to partake as an officer, the current officers agreed to serve another term. It was moved and seconded to retain the current slate of officers for another year:
President Ben Pearson
Vice President Joyce Sears
Treasurer Donna Doherty
Secretary Laurie Dahl Isacson

Election of Trustee - It was moved and seconded to reinstate Suzan McCormick for another 3 year term. Current trustees are:
Nate Sears 2013 - 2016
Doug Holsinger 2014 - 2017
Suzan Rosenthal 2015 - 2018

VII Other
Ed Berntsen noted that the little Norwegian sail boat, the Yakup has been moved to the Foss Waterway Seaport Museum on Dock Street in Tacoma
The Sears/Mitton families were thanked for their hospitality
Many thanks to all who those who mowed, weeded and cleaned during the year - Dick Brynestad, Bob Quy, Ben Pearson and Dan Meyer. Thanks to others who are not named.
Joanie Mitton noted that there was a very nice piece of property for sale next to the Cemetery.

VIII Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 1:15
Respectfully Submitted,
Laurie Dahl Isacson, Secretary

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